There’s so many options when it comes to magnesium.

How do you know which is the best magnesium supplement to take?

In this video I’m going to walk you through what to look for in your magnesium supplement.

Additionally, I give a recommendation on the best supplement to take in my opinion.

Thankfully, I had the opportunity to sit down with the founder of Natural Stacks.

They are an open sourced supplement company that produces the highest quality supplements for brain health.

Consequently, he shared a lot of extremely valuable information that I hope you can use to your advantage.

We discuss many important concepts including:

How magnesium affects your biology.

Early signs of magnesium deficiency.

And the best forms of magnesium.

By the end of this video you’ll know exactly how to pick the best magnesium supplement for you.

I have also created a video regarding the BEST magnesium for sleep and you can check out below.

Looking for a discount on the best magnesium supplement you’ll want after watching these videos?

Click this link and it’ll bring you to the Natural Stacks product we discussed. use code: KYLEGOTCAMERA at check out.

Lastly, do NOT miss out on this opportunity!