Slowing down the speed of aging with Bryan Johnson

I spent the afternoon with the most measured man in history, Bryan Johnson.

This man spent 2 million dollars reversing his aging.

He’s been blowing up on social media, and has become somewhat of a meme. 

Almost nobody can do what he’s doing though.

Because of that, I wanted to find out what anyone can do to extend their lifespan and healthspan.

I extracted the 80/20 of what he does and synthesized it for you in this video.

And I discovered the #1 thing anyone can do to start slowing down their speed of aging…

I am going to be honest, it was not what I expected at all.

Hope you enjoy this one as I am excited to finally share it.

It has been a long time coming.

Head over to my Youtube channel (@kylegotcamera) to check it out.

I have other epic biohacking videos that I highly recommend looking at.

Take a look at my blog posts here.