This is your weakest link, let’s fix it
We are going to talk about barefoot shoes, as they are closely connected to your feet.
Chances are you have neglected one of the most important parts of your body, and believe it or not it actually affects your brain.
I made a video about my experience with vivobarefoot shoes.
And why I think it’s critical to transition towards barefoot shoes (or minimalist shoes)…
But that is only half the equation.
If you don’t do what we talk about in this week’s video you might be shooting yourself in the foot! LOL
Couldn’t help put hit you with that PUNnishment! Double LOL
Okay, okay, I’m done.
But seriously barefoot shoes are not enough.
You could actually end up doing more damage if you don’t do what skip shares in this video.
Think about this, the only thing in your body that touches the ground is your feet.
Your feet (and your eyes) send the majority of the information about the world around you to your brain.
So if you have issues with any of the muscles/joints related to your toes, feet, ankles you are going to be sending inaccurate information to your brain about the world.
In addition to that – Each foot is made of 26 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments.
There’s a lot that could go wrong. So let’s get it right with this weeks video.
Other videos about barefoot shoes and related content
Healing a Broken Back, And Unlocking The Nervous System (Ft. Skip Kelly)
The Truth about Vivobarefoot Shoes: Why I Switched (1 year review)