I have spent a ridiculous amount of money on my health.

When I say ridiculous… I mean over 150k on trying to find answers.

Answers that did not come directly from my doctor. Even answers my doctors did not have for me.

I took in upon myself to try some functional medicine testing.

This gave me a lot of insight and experience.

Which was when I realized many people are in the dark about what is available from a testing perspective.

So I was eating lunch one day when I decided to bring this video to fruition.

In this video, I give you information about functional medicine testing that you likely have never heard of from your doctor.

If you are dealing with mysterious symptoms or chronic issues, this could be your solution.

Maybe this can save you a LOT of time, money, and heartache.

Since I had to figure all this out on my own, I wanted to spread the knowledge and reach people earlier on in the process.

I hope this can help you, a friend, or a family member come to peace with things going on in their body.

Other related videos to functional medicine

Biohacking Playlist
