Want to improve your sleep?

You’ve come to the right place. A lot of my peers, friends, and clients come to me asking how they can increase their oura ring sleep scores.

I have spent a lot of time looking into this topic.

The more I talk about it the more I realize how much people are really struggling with this part of their life.

Especially right now.

So, I wanted to put this simple video together so you can start getting results immediately and make gains with your sleep scores.

I hope you can apply these ideas to your daily lives and see improvement.

If you are able to improve your sleep, you will see growth in more aspects of your life.

Sleep is crucial.

And I believe I can make sleep sexy when using the oura ring.

Optimizing your sleep doesn’t have to be hard, but you have to be consistent to make it work.

I found some simple tools like the ones I mention in this video to dramatically improve my sleep scores, and my sleep quality.

It’s been the biggest pillar of health progress for the last year, and it can have such a radical impact on your life.

Hope this helps as much as it has helped me.

Also, below are some of the items I mentioned in the video that may be a nice addition to have in your life.

Kal Magnesium


Blue Light Blocking Glasses


Other Oura Ring Videos:



Oura Ring: Tracking My Sleep Is Changing My Life
