The best health books that will improve your health.

I believe in finding principles from other walks of life, including the best books for health.

Then you can apply them across channels as one of the most effective ways to make progress.

I spend a lot of time learning.

And over the course of the years I’ve found the books that impacted my health and my lifestyle the most were often not books about health.

These different ways of thinking have allowed me to build a pretty interesting life.

Also they have helped me take care of myself.

I guarantee that these books will change your life if you read and apply what’s in them.

Additionally, would love to hear some of the books that have impacted you the most in the comment section on youtube.

I am always looking for reads that will better my health, wellness, and lifestyle.

So I am giving you what helped me and would love to hear what helped you.

Recommended Books

What to say when you talk to yourself

Thinking In Systems


4 Hour Work Week

How To Be A Capitalist Without Any Capital

12 Stages Of Healing

The Slight Edge

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